Karel Appel- De Opera His sets for Dutch National Opera
Cobra Museum of Modern Art Amstelveen 2016About the Exhibition
In 1994 the artistic director of the National Opera Pierre Audi invited Karel AppeI, to design the backdrop for a Dutch opera by composer Guus Janssen. The opera was based on the story of Noah’s Ark and programmed for the Holland Festival in 1994. This extremely innovative production was received with great enthusiasm by the press and the public and immediately yielded a new collaboration between Appel and Audi. One year later they brought a remarkable production of Mozart’s world-famous opera Die Zauberflöte to the stage. This grotesque opera was a resounding success and was twice included as part of the world renowned Salzburger Festspiele.

Light Design: Cor van den Brink
Photography: Cor van den Brink